Ian at the Helm of Furness RAM
The journey to Ulverston Masonic Hall from Barrow in Furness via the coastal road was a somewhat bleak one. The lead grey cloud ridden sky and the desolate looking sands of Morecambe Bay, where even the sea had gone into hiding, was not the most picturesque of panoramas.
Giles Berkley, Ian Cottam and Phil Burrow
What a contrast it was to arrive at the hall to find a warm welcome from fellow Royal Ark Mariners and the bright colours of the resplendent rainbow inspired regalia. Foremost of whom was a nervously pacing Worshipful Commander in the person of Phil Burrow who was about to undertake the role of installing Ian Cottam as his successor.
Tony Farrar, Stuart Brackstone and David Rigby
There were a good number of members of the degree present to witness the work of Phil as he installed Ian. The principal guest, representing the RW PGM, was APGM Giles Berkley. He was escorted by provincial deputy director of ceremonies Tony Farrar and assistant David Rigby.
The members of Furness RAM with Giles prior to the meeting
In addition to the West Lancashire RAM members there was an octet of visitors from Duddon Mark Lodge in, as they keep informing us, the “glorious” province of Cumberland and Westmorland. There is a very strong link between masons in the Furness area and those in Millom with the Mark and RAM degrees following that tradition of mutual support.
Keith Beaumont with other members of Duddon Mark Lodge
Ian, having been presented by director of ceremonies Stuart Brackstone, was installed by Phil in fine style. The outgoing Commander had obviously spent many hours pouring over the ritual book as it was as good a ceremony as you are likely to witness.
Steve Renney, Giles Berkley, David Shaw, Ian Cottam, David Baker,
Darren Stainton, Graham Lloyd and Bob Fearnett
As Giles was later to observe regarding Phil’s work, “ You have done a fantastic job.”
The APGM was made to sing for his supper and took to the floor to deliver the exposition of the RAM degree. It was very well received.
Peter Schofield and Giles Berkley
To mark the occasion Ian presented Giles with a cheque in the sum of £375 in favour of the West Lancashire Mark Charity.
A special mention is very much merited in respect of newly appointed Scribe, Kieron Mullan. Unexpected circumstances meant that he had to stand in as Scribe at very short notice and arrange the issue of the summons, dining form and meal arrangements. He managed to get everything arranged and communicated within 24 hours of having volunteered to take on the role. A tremendous effort for which Furness RAM are extremely grateful.
Ian is looking forward to his year which will be a busy one. Two candidates were proposed on the evening and they will be elevated at the next two meetings. Two other Mark Masons have completed joining forms and they will be proposed at a later date.
Giles Berkley and Ian Cottam
Following the installation it was time to adjourn to the dining room. Six “not as yet” Royal Ark Mariners were made welcome at the meal.
The menu, which was beef, was enjoyed by all.
In a nice twist it fell to Furness RAM steward, and craft APGM, Peter Schofield to serve his opposite number in the Mark. Another craft APGM in the craft was present in the person of Keith Beaumont who holds that position in Cumberland and Westmorland and he is also the Intendent General of the Cumbria district of the Red Cross of Constantine with responsibility for the conclave that meets at Ulverston. The latter order is administered from 86 St James Street (Mark Masons Hall).
In replying to the toast to his health Ian thanked Giles for his attendance and added, “ thank you for your great contribution to the evening especially the delivery of the exposition which added to the enjoyment of the ceremony.” This was greeted with approval by all who had witnessed it. Ian later presented Giles with flowers for his good lady.
The banter and camaraderie at the festive board was all you would associate with this friendly degree but all too soon it was time to bid a fond adieu and make for home.
A grey looking Bay
The next meeting in May will, subject to ballot, see the elevation of Darren Stainton who in April will take the chair at The Furness Mark Lodge. Ian is a very capable ritualist so it promises to be another evening of an enjoyable ceremony and camaraderie.
Words and Pictures courtesy of Dave Sear